Crate chekov

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Chekov is a CQRS/ES Framework built on top of Actix actor framework.

Getting started


chekov = "0.1"

Chekov is using [::event_store] in background to interact with backend.


Chekov is using Application as a way to separate usecases. You can defined multiple applications on the same runtime which can be useful to synchronise multiple domains.

But first, let’s define our first Application:

struct DefaultApp {}

// Application trait is here to preconfigure your chekov runtime.
// It tells that you want this `Application` to use a PostgresStorage.
impl chekov::Application for DefaultApp {
    type Storage = chekov::prelude::PostgresStorage;

If you want to know more about Application check the module documentation.

Defining our first Aggregate

One can create an aggregate that will be able to hold a state and execute commands on demand. Each Aggregate is unique and can’t be duplicated meaning that you can’t have the same aggregate instance running twice.

#[derive(chekov::Aggregate, Default, Clone)]
#[aggregate(identity = "user")]
struct User {
    user_id: uuid::Uuid,
    name: String

If you want to know more about aggregate check the module documentation.

Creating our first Event

An Aggregate produces events based on command execution. Defining an Event is pretty straightforward.

#[derive(Clone, chekov::Event, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct UserCreated{}

#[derive(Clone, chekov::Event, Deserialize, Serialize)]
enum UserUpdated {
    NamedChanged(uuid::Uuid, String, String),
    Disabled {
        reason: String

If you want to know more about Event check the module documentation.

Defining our first Command

The purpose of a command is to been executed on an Aggregate (or a CommandHandler but we will see that later). Each commands need to provide some basic information on how to deal with them. But let’s keep that simple for now:

#[derive(Clone, Debug, chekov::Command, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[command(event = "UserCreated", aggregate = "User", handler = "UserValidator")]
struct CreateUser {
    pub user_id: Uuid,
    pub name: String,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, chekov::Command, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[command(event = "UserUpdated", aggregate = "User")]
struct UpdateUser {
    pub user_id: Uuid,
    pub name: String,




  • Define an Aggregate
  • Application are high order logical seperator.
  • Define a Command which can be dispatch
  • Receives a command and an immutable Executor and optionally returns events
  • Define an Event which can be produced and consumed
  • Define an event applier
  • Define a struct as an EventHandler

Attribute Macros

Derive Macros